29 Sept 2024
Ernesto Ballon
5 min read
In this video we are gonna learn to configure nextjs to act as backend for nextjs blog, after video there is a extra content no describe in the video of how to configure hooks for wordpress.
Here is the code to add to you functions.php file , inside your theme editor:
* web-hook for next js.
function send_webhook_on_post_update($post_id, $post, $update) {
// Only send webhook if this is an update, not a new post
if (!$update) return;
// Replace with your Next.js API route URL
$webhook_url = 'https://www.ernestoballon.com/blog/api/revalidate';
wp_remote_post($webhook_url, array(
'body' => json_encode(array(
'post_id' => $post_id,
'post_slug'=> $post_slug,
'secret' => 'secret_key'
'headers' => array('Content-Type' => 'application/json'),
add_action('save_post', 'send_webhook_on_post_update', 10, 3);
Click in “Update File” and Done
Create a endpoint in Next.js, and add the following code:
import { revalidatePath } from "next/cache";
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
export async function POST(req: NextRequest) {
try {
const body = await req.json();
const { post_slug, secret } = body;
// Check for secret to confirm this is a valid request
if (secret !== "secret_key") {
return NextResponse.json({ message: "Invalid token" }, { status: 401 });
// Revalidate the specific post
if (!post_slug) {
NextResponse.json({ message: "Need post_slug to update " }, { status: 400 });
// If no specific post_id, revalidate all posts
return NextResponse.json({ message: "Revalidation successful" }, { status: 200 });
} catch (err) {
// If there was an error, Next.js will continue
// to show the last successfully generated page
return NextResponse.json({ message: "Error revalidating" }, { status: 500 });
Save and push and when you hit your new endpoint the content in that route show be revalidated.
Remenber this is a complement to the youtube video on top.
Happy coding!